Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0
FNET Throughput Benchmark Quick Start

FNET project comes with the throughput benchmark tool for measuring TCP and UDP performance between two systems. It`s also possible to use it for stress tests.
The throughput benchmark uses the transmitter and receiver application. The responsibility of the transmitter is to push packets to the network as soon as possible while the responsibility of the receiver is to receive packets as soon as possible. Receiver is acting as a server and transmitter is acting as a client.

A user is able to specify a used protocol (TCP or UDP), message size, number of messages to be sent, local/remote IP address, listening/remote port, message interval (in microseconds), thread priority and other parameters.


Tools used during this quick start:

Step by step

Follow these steps to run the FNET Throughput benchmark:

  • Prepare your evaluation board according to your board User Manual.
  • Use USB or RS-232 male/female DB-9 serial cable to connect your PC (through COM port) to the evaluation board.
  • Connect the evaluation board to an Ethernet network.
  • Power the board up.
  • Invoke the terminal program on the PC to which the evaluation board is connected and configure it to:
    • Bits per second: 115200.
    • Data bits: 8.
    • Parity: none.
    • Stop bits: 1.
    • Flow control: None.
  • Start FBENCH Throughput Benchmark tool. You can find it in the:
    or on http://fbench.sf.net

    FBENCH Throughput Benchmark tool
Prepare the FNET Throughput Benchmark application:
  • Open the project:
  • In the IDE choose the Release target.
  • Compile the project.
  • Flash the program to the board.
  • Now the Benchmark application is ready to be used.
  • Reset the board, press the RESET button on the board.
  • In your terminal program window you should see the FNET Benchmark welcome message:
     FNET Throughput Benchmark
     FNET TCP/IP Stack for MK64FN1
     Version 4.1.0
     Built Feb 15 2018 at 15:50:38 by IAR
     Enter '?' for command list.
    [FAPP] Application parameters loaded from Flash.
  • The Benchmark application is now ready to accept user commands. Enter the ? command to display a list of all commands available within the shell of the Benchmark application:
    BENCH> ?
    >         ?                                     - Display this help message
    >       set [<parameter> <value>]               - Set parameter
    >       get [<parameter>]                       - Get parameters
    >      info [-n <if name>]                      - Show interface info
    >      stat [-n <if name>]                      - Show interface statistics
    >     dhcpc [-n <if name>] [release|autoip]     - Start DHCPv4 client
    >    autoip [-n <if name>] [release]            - Start Auto-IP service
    >      save                                     - Save parameters to the FLASH
    >     reset                                     - Reset the board
    >   benchtx [-n <if name>] -a <remote ip> [tcp|udp] [-m <message size>] [-mn <number of messages>] - Benchmark transmitter
    >   benchrx [[-n <if name>] [-a <if ip address>] [tcp|udp]] | release - Benchmark receiver

Receiver Benchmark

The Receiver Benchmark command has the following syntax:

benchrx [[-n <if name>] [-a <if ip address>] [tcp|udp]] | release
  • TCP Receiver test:
    • In the terminal window enter the benchrx command:
      BENCH> benchrx
       Benchmark server started.
       IPv4 Address         :
       IPv6 Address         : fe80::211:22ff:fe33:4455
       Protocol             : TCP
       Local Port           : 7007
    • In the Benchmark tool choose the TCP protocol and set the remote IP address that is assigned to your board. Changing of other parameters is optional. After parameters are set, press the [Connect/Send] button.

      TCP RX Test
    • In your terminal program window you should see:
      [BENCH] Receiving from port = 61199
      [BENCH] 12.720000 MBytes in 2.26 Seconds = 45.025 Mbit/sec
    • The benchmark server/receiver continues waiting for new tests till you release it by:
      BENCH> benchrx release
  • UDP Receiver test:
    • In the terminal window enter the benchrx udp command:
      BENCH> benchrx udp
       Benchmark server started.
       IPv4 Address         :
       IPv6 Address         : fe80::211:22ff:fe33:4455
       Protocol             : UDP
       Local Port           : 7007
    • In the Benchmark tool choose the UDP protocol and set the remote IP address that is assigned to your board. Changing of other parameters is optional. After parameters are set, press the [Connect/Send] button.

      UDP RX Test
    • In your terminal program window you should see:
      [BENCH] Receiving from port = 50643
      [BENCH] 12.478321 MBytes in 1.66 Seconds = 60.136 Mbit/sec
    • The test application continues waiting for new tests till you release it by:
      BENCH> benchrx release
  • The benchmark application supports IPv6 too.
  • Your embedded platform can be not enough fast to process all the received packets causing buffer overflow and eventually packet drops for UDP protocol. Increasing the message delay (in microseconds) parameter helps to throttle the server transmission rate which helps to avoid significant packet loss.

Transmitter Benchmark

Transmitter Benchmark command has following syntax:

benchtx [-n <if name>] -a <remote ip> [tcp|udp] [-m <message size>] [-mn <number of messages>]
  • TCP Transmitter test:
    • In the Benchmark tool choose the TCP protocol and the local IP address (if you have several installed networking interface on your PC). Changing of other parameters is optional. After parameters are set, press the [Listen/Receive] button.

      TCP TX Test
    • In the terminal window enter:
      BENCH> benchtx -a
       Benchmark client started.
       Protocol             : TCP
       Remote IP Addr       :
       Remote Port          : 7007
       Message Size         : 1472
       Num. of messages     : 10000
      Press [Ctr+C] to cancel.
      [BENCH] 14.720000 MBytes in 2.48 Seconds = 47.483 Mbit/sec
    • The test PC application continues waiting for new tests till you press the [Stop] button:

      Stop the TCP TX Test
  • UDP Transmitter test:
    • In the Benchmark tool choose the UDP protocol and the local IP address (if you have several installed networking interface on your PC). Changing of other parameters is optional. After parameters are set, press the [Listen/Receive] button.

      UDP TX Test
    • In the terminal window enter:
      BENCH> benchtx -a udp
       Benchmark client started.
       Protocol             : UDP
       Remote IP Addr       :
       Remote Port          : 7007
       Message Size         : 1472
       Num. of messages     : 10000
      Press [Ctr+C] to cancel.
      [BENCH] 14.720000 MBytes in 1.26 Seconds = 93.459 Mbit/sec
      - The test PC application continues waiting for new tests till you press the @c [Stop] button:

      Stop the UDP TX Test

      The benchmark application supports IPv6 too.

© 2005-2020 by Andrej Butok. http://fnet.sourceforge.net